
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

TWTWB chapter 17

 Tommorow when the war began

questions ( chapter 17 ) -

Q1 - because Ellie already feels guilty about the other laws

Q2 - to make things alot more quieter so not many people know about it in bigger groups, alos to make as less of a drama as possible

Q3 - 2 of the people died due to the lawn mower bomb and ellie felt guilty after doing it.

Q4 - They are cleaning up the lands and trying to take them for themelve

Q5 - They had better guns and sticked together in smalled groups then the soldiers did 

Q6 - There thinking and problem solving has become alot better then from when they first starter and picking up on the soldiers tedhniques

Q7 - She couldnt picture fi killing and hurting other people she saw her being to nice and fragile to do that

Q8 - putting alot at risk for the wellbeing of the ones you care about

Q9 - The tanker had no breaks in it and there was a patrol approaching them so they had to think a lot quicker. 

1 - John Marsden is a 69 year old ( born on the 27th of September ) Austrailian book writer and school princaple. He wrote the book ´Tommorow, when the war began´. He was inspired to write this book after he had watched an ANZAC day march. He wrote it as a way to show respect to the sacrafices that has been made by past generations.

2 - Write the meanings of words

- manslaughter - killing someone and not getting the full blame like not going to prison

- aggravated - angry or displeased especially because of small problems or annoyances

- guerillas - a member of a small independent group taking part in irregular fighting

- interject - say (something) abruptly, especially as an aside or interruption

- smug - having or showing an excessive pride in oneself 

- vicious - intentionally harmful or nasty

- emphatically - to stress or put specific importance on something.

- scuffle - a short fight or argument that can be confusing

- sideswipe - a critical remark about someone or something.

- elated - when you make someone really happy.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

 Aim: to make a mashmallow shooter and work out what forces are actin gon it.

Equipment: paper clip, scissors, balloon, mashmallow.


1. cut out the bottom of the cup

2. cut off the neck of the balloon

3. stretch the open end of the balloon over the bottom of the cup

4. place marshmallow in cup

5. pull balloon back to fire marshmallow



when the marshmallow was in the cup all the forces ( thrust, friction, gravity and support) were evem a it want moving. when the marshmallow left the cup then the thust force was greater as it sped up. as it came back down to the ground then gravity and friction/ drag were the greater forces as it slowed down.


yes it worked really well. some groups taped the balloon to the side of the cup which made it more stable which i would include next time.